Friday, July 20, 2018

How to Spawn Unidentified Signal Sources (USS)

Step 1: Use your advanced scanner or scan the Nav Beacon to get the planet location. If using the advanced scanner didn't give you a planet then go scan the Nav Beacon.
Step 2: Target the planet and then fly to the planet and then do a 'fly by'. By fly by I mean flying close enough to the planet where you enter its gravity well and it says SLOW DOWN or if if its a smaller planet then fly close enough to skim through orbital cruise. Make sure you do not over shoot it. Treat it like you are approaching a station and not reaching less than 00:06 and for smaller planets you may want to approach slower, I like approaching at :08 or :09 regardless.
Step 3: Once you are close to the planet's orbital zone or are in its gravity well then increase your thrust and pass the planet until you are 2.0 ls away or the mission USS spawns. If the mission didn't spawn then repeat step 2 once then move to step 4.
Step 4: If the mission still didnt spawn then you should be 2.0 ls away from the target planet. Slow down to minimum speed and drop out of supercruise.
Step 5: Now point yourself at the planet and enter supercruise. Do step 2 again and the mission USS will spawn.
Step6: If your mission is killing #targets and you just killed some, but have more left then enter super cruise fly directly out to 2.0 ls and drop out of supercruise and start again at step 2.

To skip the fighting and just see how to do it start with the link above and then here:

Saturday, August 5, 2017


This page is meant to be a resource of guides,links, and other information relating to Elite:Dangerous, Horizons, and future releases. Some of the information here will make no sense to any Commanders but me. I'll try to tag those posts as so.

It will be easier for you to browse the guides using the Pages menu to the right. -------->

I will not be the author of the majority of these guides and I will try to post the source or give credit where it is due. Feel free to bookmark this page and/or leave any questions or comments you have on related posts.

Stay Dangerous Commanders,

Cmdr Boda Shandis

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Make Millions Doing Skimmer Missions

This is a guide explaining how to make a lot of money doing missions that involve blowing up skimmers. They pay well, increase your reputation, and are fairly quick. Therefore, it is an excellent way to become rich while grinding up your Federation, Alliance, or Empire ranks.

*This method does involve stacking missions, so if aren't into that then you kind kindly gtfo cause I don't give no shits.

Getting Started

You only need a few things to get this started.

1.) A ship with dumbfire rockets equipped (you don't necessarily need this, but it makes it go much faster).
2.) The ship must also hold an srv. 
3.) Lastly, a station that offers skimmer missions. I've had luck finding them with Corporation factions in the Boom state.

*note: Keep in my mind,having higher standings with the local factions increases the chances of handing out the missions and the amount the mission rewards.

Stacking the Missions

Now that you've met the requirements it is time to start stacking the missions.

Scroll through the mission board accepting every skimmer mission. While doing this note down which bases they are asking you to attack.

Now Log off to main menu - and choose to start in a different type of game mode(Open, Private, or Solo)

Now accept all the missions again.  repeat this until your accepted missions are full or until you get tired of doing it. If you found a good station you will notice that a lot of the missions are going to the same destination. THESE are the missions you want. You could have 20 different missions asking you to kill the same skimmers. However, each kill counts towards all of those missions. So really by doing one mission you could finish all 20. So if you see a couple bases coming up a lot try only stacking those.

*Just so you know at admired the factions will pay you between like 1-5mil to complete the mission. The highest I've been paid was 4.7 million for one mission. Now think of that times 20!

Executing the mission

Now the fun part! Head to your destination and drop out of glide ~ 10km or so away from the base you are supposed to attack (you won't be attacking it). 

--Video for this part Below----

Now hit PGUP or whatever button you have assigned to "Increase sensor zoom". This will let your surface scanner see a larger span of land. 

Now turbo around keeping your eye out for  POI circles. Once you find one you need to line it up so that you will fly through the center (the video will show this if you don't understand). Now staying at 2km above the surface fly full speed (not turbo) towards the Circle keeping it lined up. Once you enter the circle angle your ship down 26-27 degrees and slow your ship down into the comfort zone. As your coasting towards the surface at 26-27 keep an eye out for visual that pops up that looks different than the rest of the surface. This is your target. Fly towards it. 

Video of this part:

Skip to 1:25


Now that youve found your target fly up close to it, being careful not to crash, and wait for the skimmers to appear. If they do not appear try touching the ground or landing near the target.

Once the skimmers appear blow them up with your dumbfire rockets. Match in the gas tank BOOM BOOM.  Mission complete. And usually no bounty is placed on you.  You may have to do this a few more times to complete your missions because some missions require you to kill more skimmers than others.


If the mission sent you to a planet that is real dark it can be a pain to do. Note that station down and don't take that mission again.

It's better if the target is the only station on the planet. Sometimes the POI's will spawn other station's skimmers.

Sometimes you'll notice the skimmers aren't counting towards the kill count. I think this is some glitch and the only way I've to get them to count is to land and take them out in my srv. Don't choose those targets again.

Stay Dangerous Commanders,

Cmdr Boda Shandis

Find rare raw Materials Faster

I will make this short and sweet. This is how to find rare materials such as: Polonium, Arsenic, Tungsten, etc.

Here is how to find rare raw materials on a planet in the most efficient manner:

1.) Find a planet that has the resources you want by clicking on landable planet in the system map. On the right hand side you click on the icon with a short line and 3 longer lines beneath it. It is the icon between the System Information and the Bookmark. Now scroll to the bottom and it will show you planet materials. If you do not see any materials than you need to scan the planet with a surface scanner.

2.) Fly to the planet with the resources and try to land on a part that has a nice flat looking expanse.

3.) After landing, deploy your srv, and circle your ship looking at the wave scanner and looking/listening for meteorite or mesosiderite type rocks (use this  Wave Scanner tool if you don't know how they look or sound on the wave scanner).

4.) If you are  picking up meteorite or mesosiderite rocks on your scanner then go harvest them until you can't hear or see them anymore.

5.) Now, after harvesting, or if you didn't hear any around your ship, then hop back into your ship and proceed to about 1km above the surface and turbo at top speed for about 10 seconds or so. You want to get at least 10k away from where you were to start a new surface instance.

6.) Now repeat those steps again and again.

This will allow you to find more of the high valuable in a shorter amount of time than if you were just just drive around in your srv the whole time.

Stay Dangerous Cmdr's,

Cmdr Boda Shandis


This post is a reminder for me.

Kaliki - Empire - Zemina Torval Control (5)

Links to valuable resources

Elite Dangerous -Useful database for trading. Find trade routes and stations carrying certain modules.

Printable Engineering Guide

Here is a printable Engineering guide for Elite Dangerous:Horizons. The picture shows the engineers, the upgrades each engineer has, how to unlock them, and the flow of which engineers unlock others. This, I believe, was orignally posted by FreelancePanic on the Frontier forums.