I will make this short and sweet. This is how to find rare materials such as: Polonium, Arsenic, Tungsten, etc.
Here is how to find rare raw materials on a planet in the most efficient manner:
1.) Find a planet that has the resources you want by clicking on landable planet in the system map. On the right hand side you click on the icon with a short line and 3 longer lines beneath it. It is the icon between the System Information and the Bookmark. Now scroll to the bottom and it will show you planet materials. If you do not see any materials than you need to scan the planet with a surface scanner.
2.) Fly to the planet with the resources and try to land on a part that has a nice flat looking expanse.
3.) After landing, deploy your srv, and circle your ship looking at the wave scanner and looking/listening for meteorite or mesosiderite type rocks (use this Wave Scanner tool if you don't know how they look or sound on the wave scanner).
4.) If you are picking up meteorite or mesosiderite rocks on your scanner then go harvest them until you can't hear or see them anymore.
5.) Now, after harvesting, or if you didn't hear any around your ship, then hop back into your ship and proceed to about 1km above the surface and turbo at top speed for about 10 seconds or so. You want to get at least 10k away from where you were to start a new surface instance.
6.) Now repeat those steps again and again.
This will allow you to find more of the high valuable in a shorter amount of time than if you were just just drive around in your srv the whole time.
Stay Dangerous Cmdr's,
Cmdr Boda Shandis
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